Monthly Blogging Services

A thick dense forest of conifers.

Boost Visibility Without Breaking the Bank

Blogging isn't just about sharing ideas; it's a strategic tool to elevate your online presence. Here's why every forward-thinking business should consider it:

Organic Visibility:
With consistent, high-quality blog posts, your website can climb the ranks on search engines without spending a dime on ads. SEO-optimized content targets specific keywords and topics your potential customers are searching for, driving organic traffic right to your door. 

Building Authority:
Regularly publishing insightful articles positions your brand as an industry leader. Over time, your audience begins to see you as a trusted voice in your field, choosing your brand over competitors.

Engaging Content:
Unlike direct ads, which can sometimes feel pushy, blog posts offer value. They educate, inform, or entertain, fostering a deeper connection with your audience.

Long-Term Savings:
While ads stop the moment you stop funding them, a well-crafted blog post can continue to attract and engage visitors for years. It's an investment that, with proper SEO, keeps giving returns, potentially saving you substantial amounts on advertising costs.

Considering all these benefits, it's clear that blogging isn't just an option; for many businesses, it's a necessity. And with the right strategy and consistency, it could be the most valuable tool in your digital marketing arsenal. This is the reason we include one month of blogs in all of our packages.

In today's digital age, the strength of a brand isn't solely determined by the size of its advertising budget. 

It's about genuine connections, valuable content,
and being found by the right audience. 

That's where blogging shines.

A majestic mountain background with 2 friends eager to tackle its ascent.
A man at a very far distance stands on a cliff face with a large body of water in the distant background.
Off in the distance a girl can be seen looking upon some large mountains.
A man holding a camera looks up at a mountain.

Monthly Blogging Includes: 

1. Content Creation:

   - SEO-optimized blog posts.

   - Topics based on ongoing keyword research and industry trends.

   - High-quality, free commercial use & relevant images for each post.

   - A call-to-action in each post, directing readers to relevant products/services or inviting them to subscribe.

2. Content Strategy:

   - Monthly consultation to discuss content direction, feedback on previous posts, and any business updates.

   - Updates to content strategy based on analytics and performance metrics.

3. SEO Reporting:

   - Monthly SEO report detailing the performance of blog posts, keyword rankings, and organic website traffic.

4. Blog Maintenance:

   - Ensuring the blog remains optimized for speed and performance.

   - Regularly updating plugins or tools to ensure security and functionality.

Additional Options:

1. Promotion Pack:

   - Branded social media graphics for each blog post.

   - Short video or animated graphic to promote each blog post on platforms.

   - Email newsletter inclusion of the latest blog post to boost readership.

2. Extended Content:

   - Long-form articles (2000+ words) for deep dives into specific topics.

   - Interview-based articles or case studies.

3. Guest Blogging & Backlinks:

   - Researching and pitching guest post opportunities to related websites or blogs.

   - Crafting guest posts to build backlinks and increase domain authority. This makes it easier for search engines to find you.